You receive a tag from one of your Facebook friends. This tag is mostly auto-generated and will take you to a post that will incite your curiosity about new emoticons for Facebook. The post may have a video/photo attached with it showing the “great” new FB emoticons. But the main objective of the fraudster is to make you follow the instructions written in the post. The instructions will be similar to: Check this new Amazing and updated emoticons for Facebook Point 1: First thing first, you must not follow these instructions. Such things can compromise your Facebook account and may give access of your private stuff to hacker. Point 2: Secondly, you should not share this message with anyone else. This is important in order to stop this menace from spreading. DO NOT, tag anyone with this post. Point 3: If a photo/video is attached with the post, go to Options menu below the attached photo/video and report this post as spam/scam Point 4: Untag yourself from such posts if you get the option of removing tag. Point 5: If you’re not sure how to remove tag or report the post as spam, just ignore the post. Don’t take any action, don’t make any clicks on the links given in the post. Huh! so we have yet another Facebook hoax. I am getting tired of writing about these tiny tricks that useless people play on social media and unsuspecting users fall prey to them. Anyway, I guess this will just go on in some form or the other. And people like me will have to keep on writing the truth in order to educate uninitiated folks in the world of online frauds. Comment * Name * Email * Website


FB Scam  Check this new Amazing and updated emoticons for Facebook - 14FB Scam  Check this new Amazing and updated emoticons for Facebook - 76