Adsense Best Ad Size And Type For Maximum Earning

Google AdSense is a publishers’ advertisement network run by Google Inc. After signing up for this program, web publishers can show advertisements on their websites and blogs to earn money. These ads are delivered by Google. The company charges money from ad providers and gives a share of this revenue to the web publishers who show ads on their websites. Because different websites have different layouts and goals, Google AdSense provides display ads in a number of types and sizes....

July 1, 2023 · 3 min · 458 words · Jennifer Dickert

Facebook And You A Survey

During my several years spent on Facebook, the world’s largest online social network, I have faced a number of questions regarding the relationship between Facebook and its users. People ask a variety of questions in this domain -but without any substantial data -it is hard to say anything. Most of my Facebook friends are from Hindi speaking regions of India. I believe that users from every region and every community connect differently to Facebook and other people on Facebook....

July 1, 2023 · 1 min · 134 words · Natalie Morey

Genesis Vs Thesis The Best Wordpress Framework

A couple of days ago TechWelkin was upgraded from the basic WordPress installation to the Genesis Framework. So far, I was using TwentyTwelve theme that comes along with WordPress. I had customized it heavily to meet my needs. Genesis, I believe, will certainly help my rapidly growing website. In past few years, there has been a lot of debate over the best WordPress framework. The top contestants for the entitlement of superlative have long been Thesis and Genesis....

July 1, 2023 · 5 min · 914 words · Steven Almon

How To Find The Domain Owner Name

the registrar details, the legal domain owner or registrant credentials, the active Privacy Controls, and it can help identify issues that could result in disputes You may own a domain name and you might even be paying the bills for renewing it; but are you sure that you’re the legal domain owner? If you are not the legal owner of the domain name, then someone else might be using it without your knowledge....

July 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1264 words · Timothy Gallardo

How To Find When A Facebook Profile Or Page Was Created

Before accepting friend requests, it is useful to find out when that Facebook profile was created. Such a practice will keep you safe from fake profiles, which are newly created and then soon removed (or gets blocked by Facebook). But, unfortunately, so far, Facebook does not clearly display the date of creation of a page/profile. The only place this information resides is the bottom of Timeline. However, in case of profiles/pages which are several years old and have been updated regularly, it is very tedious to keep going down the Timeline in search for the “Joined Facebook” message....

July 1, 2023 · 2 min · 312 words · Dawn Kelly

Iphone 8 Features And Specifications Of The Latest Iphone

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will go on sale from 15 September 2017. In India, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will be available from 29 September 2017. Price of iPhone 8 in USA is $699. In India, the price would start from Rs. 64,000. Price of iPhone 8 Plus in USA is $799. Highest Screen-to-Body Ratio Among Mass Market Smartphones A major feature of iPhone 8 is the handset’s screen-to-body ratio....

July 1, 2023 · 3 min · 598 words · Richard Sipe

Iphone Charging Problem Reasons And Solutions

1. Clean the Lightning Port The Lightning is an 8-pin connector and the design makes sure that you do not damage the port easily and the cable connector too is resistant to damage. However, the downside of the design is that it invites lint and debris to accumulate, especially if you are used to carrying your phone in your pocket or your handbag regularly. Sometimes even if the port has accumulated lot of dirt, plugging and unplugging multiple times, resolves the issue and the phone starts charging....

July 1, 2023 · 5 min · 1039 words · Joanne Key

Samsung Quick Connect And How To Use It

Pairing two devices via Bluetooth may vary among various models. As a result it is not easy to connect with a device of your choice. You may have to look up the device manual or the Internet to find out how to go ahead with the pairing process. Samsung decided to find a way to remove all these hurdles and attempted to ensure that connecting to a device of your choice is a matter of seconds....

July 1, 2023 · 1 min · 186 words · Ronald Coffin

Solution Err Connection Timed Out This Webpage Is Not Available

How to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Well, first of all let us tell you that in most cases the problem is not what the error message reads in this case. The message tells you that the webpage is not available —but most probably the website you want to visit is still out there. However, most probably, it is your own Internet connection that is giving problem. This error may arise if: Your Internet connection is not working properly The webpage is really not available The webpage is available but its server is too busy to respond...

July 1, 2023 · 3 min · 484 words · Joseph Hatcher

Top English Language Mistakes In India Part 1

It’s not that only Indians make these mistakes. Such deviations from standard English are rampant in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and many other countries. Let’s have a look at weird, and sometimes funny, mistakes we make. By the way, this article is in two parts. Link to second part is here. Let’s is a short form of “let us”. For example, “let’s play football” Lets is used when permission is involved....

July 1, 2023 · 4 min · 679 words · Rodney Maffit

Unfriend All Or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick And Fast

But if you don’t want to deactivate and want to remove all friends… then the answer is that so far Facebook has not provided any quick way to accomplish this goal. There are third party scripts available out there but I do not recommend using any such scripts because these programs may compromise your account information. So, there is no one click solution to the problem. You will have to delete friends one by one manually....

July 1, 2023 · 3 min · 553 words · Noe Looney

2 Ways To Allow Multiple Rdp Sessions In Windows 11 10

By default, the Windows operating system only allows one RDP connection at a time. If another connection was made from another PC on the network, regardless if they use a different user account to sign in, you will be automatically logged off, and will get either one of the following prompts: Either way, both would not be allowed to be logged in on a remote PC simultaneously. In this article, we address the issue of simultaneous RDP connections and how you can allow a client Windows PC (Windows 10 or 11) to have 2 or more RDP connections at the same time....

June 30, 2023 · 5 min · 947 words · Wendy Saenz

3 Ways To Prevent Command Prompt From Closing After Running Commands Batch File Pause

In the batch file, there are commands that perform actions related to the system, and these commands are executed sequentially. So what if you want to monitor your batch files and prevent Command Prompt from closing automatically if you run them? The following are three ways to prevent the Command Prompt window from closing after running commands. Choose the option that works best for you. #1 Prevent CMD window from closing using cmd /k command switch #2 Stop CMD window from closing automatically using PAUSE command #3 Permanently stop all cmd windows from closing using Windows Registry...

June 30, 2023 · 2 min · 419 words · Eunice Ramirez

4 Ways To Fix Another App Is Controlling Your Sound At The Moment Error In Windows 10

This error asks you to close that app which is using your sound if you want to hear the sound on another app. The cause of getting this error is, another app or software on your system is using your system’s sound at that moment, and which is not apparently showing to you. And you are not able to identify which app is using your sound at the moment, or may be due to any virus or corrupted files, your system settings of audio devices have been changed....

June 30, 2023 · 2 min · 372 words · Brian Demaray

Alternatives To Internet Explorer Now That It Is Gone

Internet Explorer has been an integral part of the Windows Operating System since the beginning. System apps would stop working without Internet Explorer. But when Microsoft created Edge and selected it as its flagship browser to counter Chrome, it was evident that Internet Explorer would reach its end of life pretty soon. Although the Edge browser is Chromium based, like Chrome, Microsoft has introduced IE mode built into Edge to open sites that require Internet Explorer for their processing....

June 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1094 words · Sarah Polsgrove

Combine Multiple Rss Feeds Using Yahoo Pipes

I have combined five of my many RSS feeds and I display the aggregated feed on many of my websites just the way one can display a single RSS output. For this I use the Yahoo! Pipes. Yahoo! Pipes is a service that creates a network of “pipes” among any number of feeds and output the desired feed. This services is very powerful as it provides all the imaginable options that you would need to create the exact output you want....

June 30, 2023 · 3 min · 445 words · Maria Rosenthal

Create Mysql Table With A Variable Name

It was an intriguing problem and took quite a bit of research on Internet before I could find a solution. The solution is to use the PREPARE statement. Here is the code that worked (I am truncating the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements to make it easier to read): Passing the table name as variable to CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO and DROP TABLE (and probably a lot of other) statements will not work....

June 30, 2023 · 1 min · 121 words · Irma Cook

Differences Between Stack And Queue

In very simple terms, a stack is a collection of objects in which objects are accessed in LIFO (Last In First Out) fashion. Whereas a queue is a collection of objects in which objects are accessed in FIFO (First In First Out) sequence. What are the Differences between Stack and Queue? Following are the major differences between these two data structures: In a stack, an object is pushed on top of the collection during insertion operation....

June 30, 2023 · 1 min · 207 words · Michael Smith

Disadvantages Of Using Google Custom Search Engine

Cons of Using Google Custom Search Engine 1. Sometime Installation is a Bit Tricky Google provides a lot of features and customization options for installing Google CSE on your website. It’s all pretty easy — but sometimes you might struggle a bit to integrate the Google search box in your website’s layout and color scheme. Look and feel of Google Search Results may also not turn out to be exactly the way you want to have it....

June 30, 2023 · 2 min · 251 words · Elsie Gomez

Download Net 6 0 11 Offline Installers

You can update your .NET version using the direct download links given below. Installing the latest version of .NET will automatically replace the older, stable version. However, if you have a preview version installed as well, no changes will be made to it. Let us briefly discuss the new features in .NET 6.0.11 and .NET Core 3.1.31 before proceeding to see how to install them. New in .NET 6.0.11 & ....

June 30, 2023 · 5 min · 960 words · Martin Moore